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What are the Most Common Types of Bicycle Accidents?

What are the Most Common Types of Bicycle Accidents?

Cycling has become increasingly popular in recent years, both as a form of exercise and an environmentally friendly mode of transportation. However, with the rise in bicycle usage comes an unfortunate increase in bicycle-related accidents. Understanding the most common types of bicycle accidents with the help of a San Bernardino bicycle accident attorney can help riders stay informed about the risks they face on the roads and know what to do if they find themselves involved in such an incident.

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Collisions with Motor Vehicles

A man wearing a blue helmet lies injured on a pedestrian crossing next to his fallen bike, with a car nearbyOne of the most frequent and potentially dangerous types of bicycle accidents involves collisions with motor vehicles. These accidents often occur at intersections, where drivers may have difficulty seeing cyclists or misjudge their speed and intentions.

If you’ve been involved in such an incident, consulting a San Bernardino bicycle accident attorney can be crucial for protecting your rights and securing compensation.

Right-hook accidents are a common scenario in this category. These occur when a motorist makes a right turn without checking their blind spot for cyclists, cutting off, or colliding with a bicycle traveling straight in the bike lane or on the right side of the road. Left-hook accidents are similar, happening when a driver turns left across oncoming traffic, failing to notice or yield to an approaching cyclist.

Another frequent collision type is the “dooring” accident. This happens when a driver or passenger in a parked car opens their door directly into the path of an oncoming cyclist. The suddenness of this action often leaves cyclists with little time to react, leading to serious injuries.

Rear-end collisions, while less common, can be particularly devastating for cyclists. These typically occur when a distracted or impaired driver fails to notice a cyclist ahead of them or when a driver doesn’t provide enough space when passing a cyclist.

Accidents Caused by Road Hazards

Road hazards pose a significant risk to cyclists and can lead to serious accidents, even without the involvement of motor vehicles. These hazards can take many forms and may be either natural or man-made.

Natural hazards include fallen branches, rocks, or other debris that may have blown onto the road. These obstacles can force cyclists to swerve suddenly, potentially leading to a loss of control or collision with other road users. Wet leaves in autumn can create extremely slippery conditions, especially on curves or when braking.

Man-made hazards are often related to road construction or poor maintenance. Potholes are a common culprit, capable of damaging bicycle wheels or causing a rider to lose control. Uneven road surfaces, particularly at the edge of the road where cyclists often ride, can catch a cyclist off guard and lead to accidents. A San Bernardino bicycle accident attorney would note that these conditions frequently contribute to serious cycling incidents.

Sewer grates oriented in the same direction as traffic flow can be particularly dangerous for cyclists. Bicycle wheels can easily get caught in these grates, causing the rider to be thrown over the handlebars. Many cities have addressed this issue by installing bicycle-friendly grates, but it remains a hazard in some areas.

Construction zones present multiple hazards for cyclists. Loose gravel, uneven surfaces, and narrowed lanes can all increase the risk of accidents. Additionally, the presence of construction vehicles and workers can create unpredictable traffic patterns.

Cities and road maintenance authorities have a responsibility to address these hazards promptly. This includes filling potholes, sweeping debris, and ensuring that road work is clearly marked and as safe as possible for all road users, including cyclists.

Accidents Involving Children

A woman in a gray sweater sits on the road clutching her knee after a bicycle accidentChildren are particularly vulnerable to bicycle accidents due to their smaller size and often limited understanding of traffic rules and safety. Many accidents involving children occur in residential areas or near schools, where children are more likely to be cycling. A San Bernardino bicycle accident attorney would emphasize the importance of understanding these specific dangers to better protect young cyclists.

One common scenario is when a child cyclist is struck by a vehicle entering or exiting a driveway. Drivers may have little time to react, especially if their view is obstructed by parked cars or landscaping.

Another frequent type of accident occurs when drivers fail to adjust their speed in areas where children are likely to be cycling. This can happen in residential neighborhoods, near parks, or in school zones. The higher speed of the vehicle reduces reaction time and increases the severity of any potential collision.

Group riding among children can also lead to accidents if drivers don’t exercise proper caution. Drivers may become impatient or attempt to pass a group of child cyclists unsafely, putting the children at risk.

Communities can contribute to child cyclist safety by implementing traffic calming measures in residential areas and near schools. This might include speed bumps, lower speed limits, and clearly marked bicycle lanes. Driver education programs should also emphasize the need to be extra vigilant in areas where children are likely to be cycling.

Accidents Due to Impaired Driving

Accidents involving impaired drivers are a major risk for cyclists. An intoxicated or drug-impaired driver may have difficulty seeing cyclists, judging distances, or reacting in time to avoid a collision. These accidents often occur at night when visibility is already reduced. A San Bernardino bicycle accident attorney can provide crucial support in navigating the legal complexities following such incidents.

Impaired drivers may drift into bike lanes, fail to yield right-of-way at intersections, or misjudge the speed of approaching cyclists. Their unpredictable behavior makes it extremely difficult for cyclists to anticipate and avoid dangerous situations. Consulting a San Bernardino bicycle accident attorney can help victims seek justice and compensation for their injuries.

It’s important to note that in many jurisdictions, the penalties for impaired driving that results in injury to a cyclist are severe. However, this does little to comfort the cyclist harmed by such negligent behavior.

Public education campaigns about the dangers of impaired driving, coupled with strict enforcement efforts, can help reduce these types of accidents. Additionally, promoting alternative transportation options for those who have been drinking can make roads safer for all users.

Accidents Caused by Distracted Driving

A cyclist wearing a helmet and a black jacket sits injured on the ground next to a car, holding her bloody armIn our increasingly connected world, distracted driving has become a major contributor to road accidents, including those involving bicycles. The use of smartphones for texting, navigating, or other purposes while driving can have deadly consequences for cyclists.

Distractions can prevent drivers from noticing cyclists on the road. Even a moment of inattention, such as glancing at a phone to read a text message, can be enough time for a driver to drift into a bike lane or fail to see a cyclist crossing an intersection.

Distracted drivers are also less likely to notice or obey traffic signals and signs, increasing the risk of intersection collisions with cyclists. The unpredictable nature of distracted driving makes it a particularly dangerous hazard.

Efforts to combat distracted driving include public awareness campaigns, legislation banning the use of handheld devices while driving, and enforcement initiatives targeting distracted drivers. Cyclists can also take precautions by being extra vigilant and assuming that drivers may not see them.


Understanding the common types of bicycle accidents is crucial for both cyclists and drivers. By recognizing the risks and adopting safe practices, the number of accidents can be reduced, making the roads safer for everyone. Cyclists should remain vigilant and proactive in their safety measures, while drivers must always be aware of the presence of bicycles and act accordingly to prevent collisions. Education, infrastructure improvements, and enforcement of traffic laws all play a significant role in reducing the incidence of bicycle accidents and ensuring a safer environment for all road users.

Consulting with a San Bernardino bicycle accident attorney can further help individuals understand their rights and the necessary steps to take following an accident. Contact us today!