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News Stories

What To Do If You’re In A Truck Accident: Post Accident Procedure

If you or somebody you care about has been involved in an accident with a large commercial truck, you understandably have many questions about what happens next. Truck crashes can be incredibly scary, and the aftermath of these incidents is not going to be like the aftermath of a traditional car accident. Unfortunately, victims are likely to encounter significant opposition from aggressive insurance carriers and trucking companies when tryi... Read More

How Long Does It Take To Settle A Semi-Truck Accident?

If you or somebody you care about has been injured in an accident caused by a careless or negligent truck driver or trucking company, you need to seek legal assistance as soon as possible. In general, you should be able to recover compensation for your losses. However, these cases can become incredibly complex. Here, we want to discuss how long it can take to settle a semi-truck accident in Orange County. A thorough investigation is necess... Read More

Bentley & More LLP to sponsor Orange County Bar Association Live Webinar

Bentley & More LLP is sponsoring a live webinar presented by Orange County Bar Association Young Lawyers Division Thursday, December 17th from 12pm-1pm. Join in as our very own Nico Mamone moderates the topic of substance abuse in the legal profession. David Mann of The Other Bar will provide a review of the brain chemistry of addiction and alcoholism, as well as a discussion of the behavioral and health consequences of the disease. He will share his insights into the personality traits of attorneys and the qualities of the legal profession that combine to make lawyers significantly more susceptible to addiction. You won’t want to miss it. Register online at

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How Are Compensatory Damages Calculated In California Car Accident Cases?

If you or somebody you care about has been injured or sustained property damage in a car accident in California, then you should be able to receive compensation for injuries and other losses. However, securing this compensation is not always straightforward, just ask our Riverside car accident lawyers. Insurance carriers and at-fault parties often put up a fight when it comes to paying out the proper amount to those who are harmed in the in... Read More

Do I Need A Lawyer For A Car Accident That Wasn’t My Fault?

Getting into a car accident can be a scary and confusing experience for those involved, particularly for those who are harmed by the careless or negligent actions of another driver. Many people think that a car accident case will be fairly straightforward if they were not to blame for the incident, but the reality is that it can be very difficult to secure compensation. If you or a loved one are involved in a car accident caused by someb... Read More

Delayed Injury Symptoms After A Car Accident: What To Watch Out For

If you or somebody you care about has been involved in a car accident, the most prudent course of action is to seek medical assistance immediately. Even if a person involved in the accident does not feel much pain in the immediate aftermath of the incident, that does not mean that there is nothing to worry about. The reality is that the signs and symptoms of many car accident injuries may not become apparent for hours or even days after... Read More

Compensatory Damages In California Personal Injury Cases: General And Special Damages

If you or somebody you care about has been injured due to the careless or negligent actions of another person, company, or entity, you should be entitled to various types of compensation. In general, injury victims can be awarded compensatory damages in California personal injury cases, and we can break these down into “general damages” and “special damages.” It is important to understand the difference between these two, as they both play ... Read More