News Stories

Keith More featured on NBC LA advocating for a Nurse at City of Hope
On Tuesday night, the NBC4 news network aired an investigation on Bentley & More client, Andrea Morris’ story. Andrea was working as a nurse at City of Hope when she went into cardiac arrest. An entire medical staff of 5 employees, including TWO DOCTORS, witnessed Andrea’s cardiac arrest and not one medical personnel performed CPR. In fact testimony proves that one of the doctors said under oath that he was not even qualified to perform CPR… a doctor. This story is tragic and the worst part is City of Hope is not taking responsibility and is denying Andrea’s workers’ comp claim. B&M co-founder Keith More is fighting tirelessly to bring justice to Andrea. Click the image below for the full story.
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Bentley & More LLP co-founder Keith More is fighting hard to bring client justice! Watch the full story on NBC LA tomorrow, Tuesday 4/30 at 6pm.
NBC LA is airing a full investigation on our client Andrea’s story. Andrea is a nurse that suffered a sudden cardiac arrest while on the job. Not one person on the medical team she worked with performed CPR for seven CRITICAL minutes. The aftermath? She is now paralyzed and her workers comp claim has been denied by her employer. Bentley & More LLP co-founder Keith More is fighting hard to bring Andrea justice! Watch the full story tomorrow, Tuesday 4/30 at 6pm.

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