Fraudulent Medical Providers Strike So California’s Workers’ Comp System
Fraudulent Medical Providers Strike So California’s Workers’ Comp System

This month, Orange County prosecutors filed insurance fraud charges against Kareem Ahmed, who reportedly developed a topical cream based on profitability, and then bribed doctors to prescribe the expensive treatment to work comp patients. In fact, Ahmed is reported to have paid a total of 25 million dollars to at least 21 physicians to dispense the cream to injured workers.
Unfortunately, Ahmed’s case is just one in a string of corrupt medical providers and physicians that are abusing the workers’ compensation system here in California. In recent years, Southern California medical providers have been indicted for an array of abuses, which include bribing doctors to send injured workers to their treatment center for shockwave therapy, costly MRI’s, and nerve tests, as well as bribing doctors to recommend and perform risky spinal surgeries that put the injured worker in harms way.
At Bentley & More LLP, we walk our clients through every step of the workers’ compensation process. We don’t just get our clients the financial compensation they deserve, but also the necessary medical care that will best lead them on their road to recovery. This means reliable and trustworthy care from reputable medical providers. We will always go above and beyond for our clients to keep them out of harms way.