Homelessness is often a problem that hides in the shadows and we often don’t think of Orange County as an area rife with homelessness. Truth is, this is a public health crisis that we can no longer turn a blind eye to. According to resources provided by the Homeless Shelters Directory, as of 2019, There were an estimated 6,860 homeless individuals in Orange County California. The United States Interagency Council on Homelessness (USICH) states, “As of January 2020, California had an estimated 161,548 experiencing homelessness on any given day, as reported by Continuums of Care to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Of that Total, 8,030 were family households, 11,401 were Veterans, 12,172 were unaccompanied young adults (aged 18-24), and 51,785 were individuals experiencing chronic homelessness.”
Bentley & More LLP is a proud advocate in the fight against Homelessness throughout Southern California. We continue to Partner with organizations fighting for the ever-growing needs of the Homeless epidemic. Organizations like Operation Helping Hands So Cal, The Lucky Duck Foundation, Lawyers for Warriors & Together We Rise are all dedicated to helping battle homelessness and foster care throughout Southern California. Bentley & More sponsors Annual golf tournaments and fundraising events that are intended to bring the community together to bring awareness to the ongoing problem.
There are many contributors to the problem of Homelessness. The horrors of childhood trauma and poverty, mental illness and drug addiction certainly lend to the likelihood that someone lives on the streets. Greg Bentley & Keith More, Co-Founders of the firm, believe strongly in giving back to the community to help fight the good fight in advocating for those less fortunate.
“We are so blessed and fortunate to be able do for others less fortunate than us, giving back is who we are.” – Keith P. More
Bentley & More in action:

For more information on the Non-Profit organizations we sponsor, you can visit their websites here:
Operation Helping Hands So Cal
Lawyers for Warriors – VLI
The Lucky Duck Foundation
Together We Rise
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