Bentley & More Client Tells Story to NPR and ProPublica
Bentley & More Client Tells Story to NPR and ProPublica
One of our brave clients, Joel Ramirez, was part of a NPR and ProPublica special that investigated the eroding Workers’ Compensation System. BMG’s client, Mr. Ramirez, was paralyzed in 2009 when a 900-pound create fell on him at his employer’s warehouse.

After the accident, Travelers Insurance agreed to provide Mr. Ramirez 24-hour care, which would help him move safety around his house, as well as clean up any accidents that occurred. However, in 2013, changes in state legislation allowed Travelers to reopen the case and subsequently deny Ramirez the home care he needed.
With his wife and daughter away, Mr. Ramirez was not only unable to take care of himself, but on some occasions, was forced to sit in his own feces for up to eight hours. In addition, Ramirez’ wife was forced to quit work, and his daughter dropped out of college to help support the family.
Luckily, BMG was able to appeal the decision and the state board and workers’ compensation judge reinstated the care. The board wrote “That Travelers used a separate request for care to modify his treatment and take away his aids.”
Case after case, we are seeing the same thing–Insurance companies are using state legislation to deny medical care to applicants who desperately need it.
Please watch the PBS special of our brave client, Joel Ramirez.
[JAYMER: ProPublica Video link was not working]