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What You Need to Know About the Allergan Breast Implant Recall

When we visit a doctor or a plastic surgeon for any reason, we expect to receive high quality care and high-quality products. However, some products can have defects and cause harm to our bodies and health. Recently, the pharmaceutical company Allergan has recalled their breast implants – which may still reside in the bodies of thousands of women. Here is what you need to know about the recall – and what to do if these implants affect you. You... Read More

What to Do When You’re Involved in a Car Accident in California

The moments after a car accident can be confusing and full of panic. You may suffer from severe injuries or the shock of the moment numbs you to any pain. You may worry about the safety of your passengers, the other drivers, and any witnesses at the scene. While the aftermath of a car accident can be scary, these moments are crucial to collecting evidence and documenting details you can use in your future insurance claim or lawsuit. Call 911 ... Read More

Is California a No-Fault Insurance State?

When you get into a car accident in California, you may wonder who is responsible for paying your damages. Are you expected to file a claim with your own insurance company or do you have to collect the insurance details of the other driver? While some states operate on a no-fault basis, where your own insurance absorbs the costs of an accident, California follows a traditional fault-based system. What Is No-Fault Insurance? California follow... Read More

How Long Does It Take to Settle a Car Accident Claim?

When you suffer injuries in a car accident, you may be eligible to collect compensation for accident-related damages through a personal injury lawsuit or insurance claim. However, the process of obtaining this compensation can be complex and lengthy, depending on the details of your case. Because the timeline to settlement varies, it is not possible to give a concrete answer to how long a car accident claim in Orange County takes to complete. ... Read More

How to Find a Personal Injury Lawyer

If you are filing an insurance claim or lawsuit for personal injury, you need an attorney on your side to investigate your claim, guide you through the legal processes, and advocate for maximum compensation on your behalf. However, not all attorneys or firms will be a right fit for your case and your communication preferences. Finding the right Irvine personal injury lawyer can take a bit of research, but it could make a significant difference... Read More

Questions to Ask a Personal Injury Lawyer

After you suffer injuries in an accident that someone else’s negligence or recklessness caused, you may be seeking compensation through a personal injury lawsuit or insurance claim. To navigate these processes, you need a personal injury attorney on your side. Before you make a decision to hire an Orange County personal injury lawyer, make sure to ask these questions to ensure that he or she is the right fit for you. How Much Are Your Legal F... Read More

What is Personal Injury Protection?

Car accidents are a very common occurrence in California, with thousands of people suffering injuries in collisions each year. Since California operates on a fault insurance system, you expect the at-fault driver in your accident to pay for your injuries and damages through his or her insurance company. If the driver does not have insurance or does not have enough insurance to pay for your damages, you can still claim compensation through Pers... Read More