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Blog Archives

How to Spot Signs of Sexual Abuse

Sexual abuse of children in the United States has arguably reached epidemic proportions. More and more, stories are flooding the news waves regarding individuals and institutions sexually abusing children or covering up the abuse. This includes major organizations such as the Catholic Church, the Boy Scouts of America, USA Gymnastics, schools, and more. Statistics show that approximately 10% of children will be sexually abused before they r... Read More

How to File a Car Accident Claim with GEICO

GEICO is perhaps one of the most well-known insurance agencies in the country, particularly when it comes to auto insurance. One of the first things that comes to mind when you hear about GEICO is the GEICO gecko commercials. The gecko seems friendly enough, but is GEICO going to be your friend in the aftermath of a crash? If you or a loved one have been in a car accident and now have to make an auto accident claim with GEICO, the process c... Read More

How Common is Nursing Home Abuse?

When you make the difficult decision to put a loved one in a nursing home, you should never have to worry about whether or not they will be mistreated or abused by nursing home employees. However, statistics show that nearly one out of every 10 people over the age of 65 will suffer from elder abuse each year. Unfortunately, this data does not likely give us the full picture because authorities also say that most cases of elder abuse go unrepor... Read More

Who Pays for Breast Implant Recall Surgery?

There are various reasons why a person may need to remove their breast implants. One reason may be that your doctor has determined that doing so is medically necessary. Furthermore, a  person may also want to have their breast implants removed if those implants have been recalled. This can be done with the help of a Riverside personal injury lawyer. This is a real possibility, especially for those who have received textured breast implants.... Read More

Vape Users Are Turning to Cigarettes to Curb Nicotine Addictions

The United States has a long and complicated history with nicotine. The epidemic of smoking cigarettes rose to dramatic heights in the 1990s after a series of lawsuits against major tobacco companies. Since that time, the number of cigarette smokers in this country has been dropping. Many people praised electronic cigarettes when they first came out as ways to help longtime cigarette smokers break the habit. However, many people are now turnin... Read More

Signs and Symptoms of BIA-ALCL

Those in the United States who have textured breast implants could be a risk of developing breast implant-associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma, or BIA-ALCL. This is a rare cancer which, according to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), is associated with breast implants that women receive after reconstructive or cosmetic surgery. Specifically, the majority of those diagnosed with BIA-ALCL received textured breast implants. Unlike... Read More

How to File a Car Accident Claim with State Farm

Vehicle accidents happen all the time. While nobody wants to get into an accident, having insurance is important and can help cover expenses from any injuries or property damage incurred in the crash. Unfortunately, the insurance claims process can be difficult, which is the last thing a car accident victim needs. State Farm is a major insurance carrier that has been in business for decades. They have a streamlined insurance claims process, bu... Read More