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Blog Archives

How Business Interruption Insurance Works

Business interruption insurance can be a valuable tool for business owners to have. While nobody ever wants to experience a significant reduction in their business, there are times when this can occur. Whether due to a natural disaster or the rebuilding after a major event, it is vital that business owners understand how business interruption insurance works. This is especially the case as California and the US struggle due to the effects of C... Read More

Business Interruption Insurance Without Property Damage

When most people think of a business being interrupted due to a major event, they think that it must involve some sort of property damage. However, it is not always the case that a business sustains direct property damage. There are many other ways that business operations can be halted due to non-property damage related incidents. This could include government-mandated shutdowns, cyberattack incidents, and more. As the COVID-19 pandemic has s... Read More

Business Interruption Insurance vs Loss of Rents

There are various reasons that a business can sustain a loss of revenue that it needs to cover rent. However, there is often confusion about business interruption insurance and loss of rent insurance. When it comes to these two types of policies, the lease will largely determine which will be beneficial. At Bentley & More LLP, our California business interruption insurance attorneys want to discuss this topic in light of the COVID-19 pande... Read More

Business Interruption Insurance Policy Wording: Important Terms Defined

When you own or operate a business, you will have various insurance policies in place to protect the business in the event a natural disaster or unforeseen event occurs. Business interruption insurance coverage, typically an add-on to an overriding business insurance policy, can provide valuable assistance for lost income if a business has to shut down. At Bentley & More LLP, we know that insurance policy working and terms can be confusing... Read More

Business Interruption Insurance for Restaurants: What You Need to Know

Restaurants depend on people coming into their establishment. Unfortunately, there are times when major disasters or business shutdowns occur and negatively affect a restaurant. At Bentley & More LLP, our California business interruption insurance attorneys want to discuss how this type of insurance is used to help restaurants. This includes what it can cover as well as what type of event could trigger business interruption coverage. COVID... Read More

Business Interruption Insurance for Hotels: What You Need to Know

Hotels depend on occupants. However, when a natural disaster or other major event occurs that stops the flow of people coming to a hotel, occupancy rates can decrease. This can include an event that directly impacts a hotel or one that stems the flow of people coming to the hotel. Hotels in most of the United States have seen a complete shutdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic. When events like this happen, business interruption insurance may be ... Read More

Business Interruption Insurance for Contactors: What You Need to Know

If you are a contractor, then your business depends on getting hired by individuals and other businesses to remain profitable. However, when a major disaster or shutdown forces widespread closures, it can affect contractors as well. At Bentley & More LLP, our California business interruption insurance attorneys want to discuss how this insurance works and whether or not it can help contractors. As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to sweep a... Read More